RCTT's experts took part in the AUTM webinar "Transparency and Intellectual Property in China: Problems and Prospects"


    On November 21, 2023, RCTT's experts took part in the webinar "Transparency and Intellectual Property in China: Problems and Prospects" organized by Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM).


    • Thomas A. Moga, Member, Dykema
    • Duncan Willson, Senior Attorney, USPTO

    China has made significant advancements in intellectual property law and practice over the past four decades following the introduction of a Trademark Law (1982), a Patent Law (1985), and a Copyright Law (1991). China's court system has also experienced notable developments, including the establishment of specialized intellectual property courts. However, a lack of transparency in many areas of IP portfolio development and enforcement threatens to compromise efforts to develop a world-class IP system. In the area of patents, applicants frequently have a difficult time understanding the nuances of patent prosecution, including unwritten rules related to accelerating patent examination. This session will examine the many frustrations and obstacles that may be encountered through the process of IP development.

    Learning Objectives:

    • The general and day-to-day challenges presented by transparency problems as they relate to IP in China
    • How to build an effective IP portfolio in China despite these challenges
    • How to enforce IP rights by anticipating and successfully overcoming the difficulties created by the lack of transparency surrounding China's judicial and administrative enforcement systems.

    The presentation of the webinar "Transparency and Intellectual Property in China: Problems and Prospects" can be found here.

    With a video of the webinar here.
