ISE & MWC/4YFN Open Innovation Challenge 2021 (5-9.07.2021)


    Republican Centre for Technology Transfer as a co-organizer invites R&D and industry experts, innovation SMEs to participate in the ISE & MWC/4YFN Open Innovation Challenge 2021, which will be held on 5-9 July, 2021.

    ISE & MWC/4YFN Open Innovation Challenge 2021 is a B2B international meetings event between all agents of the innovation ecosystem: corporations, investors and solution/technology providers. Meetings will happen online 5-9.07.2021.

    The ISE & MWC/4YFN Open Innovation Challenge 2021is organized by ACCIÓ, a department of the Catalan Government's Ministry of Enterprise and Labour, partnering with the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest business support network worldwide.

    You can find more information and register on the website.

    Registration is open until 25 June, 2021.
