Seeking UVC LED Technologies for Antimicrobial Applications


    This company is seeking a human-safe UVC LED technology that is suitable for antimicrobial applications, specifically against viruses, to be used in areas that are at risk of bacterial or viral infections.

    UV radiation is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that has been classified to have wavelengths of 100..400 nm, and within this range of wavelength, it is further broken down into 3 sections, UVC (short wavelength, 100..280 nm), UVB (middle wavelength, 280..315 nm) and UVA (long wavelength, 315..400 nm).

    Conventional broad-spectrum UVC is highly effective against bacteria and viruses by disrupting the molecular bonds of the DNA, and are commonly used in decontamination applications, especially in the medical sector. However, the conventional UVC is also a known human health hazard, causing skin cancers and cataracts, limiting its usefulness in public areas.

    The company is thus seeking new and innovative UVC LED technologies that are effective against bacteria and viruses, yet harmless to humans, to be employed indoors, in locations such as transportation, hospitals, hotels, offices, etc., where there is a need to maintain a safe environment through frequent disinfection. Technology owners should be open to work closely with the company to test the solution, and further develop the technology to meet the said requirements.

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