Webinar: "Harnessing e-commerce post-COVID-19: opportunities and challenges for developing economies" (25.02.2021)


    UNECE in partnership with the Geneva Trade Platform invite to participate in the webinar "Harnessing e-commerce post-COVID-19: opportunities and challenges for transition economies".

    Date: 25 February 2021 11:00-12:30 (CET).

    This webinar will explore recent COVID-19-induced trends in e-commerce and outline challenges and opportunities for ransition economies in the UNECE region, i.e. Central Asia, Southern Caucasus, Western Balkan and Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. Discussions will look at the WTO e-commerce negotiations and the way forward for harnessing e-commerce post-COVID-19.

    The session will bring together speakers from international organizations, academia/think tanks and national/regional agencies. Simultaneous translation English-Russian aims at providing access to information to transition economy policy makers.

    On-line registration is open.
