Business offer BO5107

Создан: 2022-05-26 15:53 (Виталий Кузьмин)
Опубликован: 2022-05-26 16:11
Время последнего обновления: 2022-05-27 12:48 (КМ Александр Успенский)
Организация: Научно-практический центр по картофелеводству и плодоовощеводству
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Profile management

For EOI profile is


Liana Streletskaia

Descriptive part

Mid-early potato variety Desyatka
Scientific and Practical Centre for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing offers consumers a mid-early potato variety Desyatka under a license or manufacturing agreement and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
Potato variety Desyatka:
- mid-early, table;
— yield 67.5 t/ha;
— starch content up to 17.1 %;
- oval tubers; the peel is yellow with pink eyes; the flesh is yellow;
— palatability (culinary type B) and keeping quality are good;
- highly resistant to mechanical damage.

Read more: Medium early potato varieties (in Russian)
The variety is resistant to potato cancer, potato nematode, relatively highly resistant to late blight of leaves, common scab. rhizoctoniosis on tubers, moderately resistant to alternariosis, dry fusarium rot, black leg and silver scab.

Already on the market

State budged

Exclusive rights
Secret know-how


Client information

R&D institution


A.01.13 - Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.


Already engaged in transnational cooperation


Scientific and Practical Centre for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing is a dynamically developing state scientific selection and seed-growing enterprise in the field of potato growing.

At present, the Scientific and Practical Centre for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing is one of the leading agrarian scientific institutions in Belarus. The scientific work of the Center is complex. The co-executors of the topic are the Institute of Plant Protection, the Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing, regional agricultural experimental stations, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Scientific and Practical Center for Food of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the BSAA and a number of other institutions, which allows deepening theoretical orientation of research, depth of study of experimental material, reliability of conclusions and recommendations for the conditions of various regions of the Republic of Belarus. International cooperation covers many countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Germany, China, etc.

Main directions of scientific activity:
1. Creation of fundamentally new varieties and hybrids of potatoes with a yield of 50.0-80.0 t/ha, fruits - 25.0-30.0 t/ha, berries - 10.0-12.0 t/ha and vegetable crops – 40.0–100.0 t/ha.
2. Development of targeted environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies for the production of potatoes, fruit and vegetable crops.
3. Ensuring variety change and variety renewal due to the accelerated production of original seed and planting material.
4. Scientific support of the potato and fruit and vegetable growing industries to increase their economic efficiency, competitiveness and fully meet the needs of the Republic of Belarus with high-quality potato, fruit and vegetable products.



Information about partnership

Distribution services agreement
License agreement
Manufacturing agreement

Consumers interested in purchasing the mid-early potato variety Desyatka under a license or manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing the mid-early potato variety Desyatka under a distribution services agreement.

> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


Просмотров: 1798
Статистика ведется с: 26.05.2022 20:56:07