Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds  
230030 Grodno, A. Tyzengauz Square, 7

Solution for elimination of RNases, DNases, decontamination of DNA/RNA "BIOS"










Linked profile in other language
Elena Raduta
+375 15 255 9073
The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds offers consumers a solution for the elimination of RNases, DNases, DNA/RNA decontamination "BIOS" when processing PCR equipment, electrophoresis equipment, as well as processing consumables under a manufacturing agreement and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
The BIOS solution is designed to eliminate RNases, DNases and decontaminate DNA from surfaces. The DNA/RNA decontamination agent is used to treat PCR equipment, electrophoresis equipment, and consumables. The agent is ready to use. It is supplied in plastic canisters with a screw cap-seal with a sealing ring to ensure tightness. Storage conditions: +5 ... 250C.

Contamination is especially problematic in highly sensitive equipment used to perform
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of contaminating DNA and RNA particles in molecular biology laboratories, especially on PCR workstations, can lead to artifacts, false positive results and inaccurate data in PCR. It has been proven that the removal of contaminating nucleic acid particles is important, since contaminating DNA particles are particularly resistant. "BIOS" is a ready-to-use solution for removing nucleic acids from most surfaces of PCR workstations and/or laboratory devices and equipment. Removes DNA/RNA within seconds of use.

The solution contains a non-alkaline agent - an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid - and has an active effect on contaminating particles of plasmid, genomic and amplicon DNA and RNA. "BIOS" is stable and heat-resistant. "BIOS" should be stored at room temperature. At lower temperatures, a precipitate may form, which can be easily removed at 37°C. Storage for up to 2 weeks at a temperature of 65°C does not reduce the quality of the product.

Brochure "Solution for the elimination of RNases, DNases, decontamination of DNA/RNA "BIOS"" (see). (in Russian)
Advantages and Innovations
Features of the application of "BIOS":
- completely decomposes contaminating DNA and RNA at the level of PCR sensitivity;
- works on contact;
- decomposes nucleic acid, unlike other products on the market that act only as detergents;
- ideal for cleaning the surfaces of PCR machines, pipettes, dispensers, lab tables, lab equipment and microcentrifuges.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
The product is ready for use. It is supplied in plastic canisters with a screw cap-seal and a sealing ring to ensure tightness.
Storage conditions – +50С -+2500С.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Comments regarding IPS status
In accordance with TU BY 591007413.004-2023
Sector group

Client information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.21.20 - Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Q.86.90 - Other human health activities
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds is a leading scientific institution in the field of vitaminology, the study of molecular mechanisms of metabolism regulation in health and disease, the biochemistry of alcohol and drug addiction, neurochemistry and pharmacology.

The main areas of activity of the Institute:
- conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at studying the mechanisms of pathogenesis of liver diseases, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, alcohol addiction, pathological conditions associated with a deficiency of essential micronutrients and stress, in order to develop methods for their prevention, diagnosis and therapy;
- developing new innovative drugs, vitamin preparations, dietary supplements, as well as developing methods for isolating and purifying biologically active compounds from herbal medicinal raw materials, mastering their laboratory production for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

The Institute has developed unique technologies for obtaining dry extracts from medicinal plant materials and aromatic plants for use as components:
- in the production of dietary supplements,
- in the food industry,
- in the production of perfumes.

Custom production of products of deep processing and purification of extracts from plant raw materials for use as analytical standards is possible.

The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus specializes in the development and production of diagnostic reagent kits for biochemical, hematological studies, reagent kits for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms, infectious diseases, and the study of thyroid and reproductive functions.

The developed and manufactured kits allow obtaining consistently reproducible and accurate results at an affordable price. The company's strategy is aimed at innovative development. Reagent kits are used on semi-automatic and automatic laboratory systems, as well as in manual research. Adaptations for automatic analyzers can be provided additionally.

The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus represents the world's leading manufacturers of reagents and materials in the Republic of Belarus, as well as its own products under the trademark "Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus".

The Institute’s mission is to meet the needs of scientists for high-quality reagents for scientific research at optimal prices in order to save budget funds.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing the solution for the elimination of RNases, DNases, DNA/RNA decontamination "BIOS" when processing PCR equipment, electrophoresis equipment, as well as processing consumables under a manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in purchasing the solution for the elimination of RNases, DNases, DNA/RNA decontamination "BIOS" when processing PCR equipment, electrophoresis equipment, as well as processing consumables under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


Количество уникальных просмотров в одной сессии: 45
Статистика ведется с 06.03.2025 16:23:19