Институт философии

220072, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Сурганова, д. 1, корп. 2

Formation of logical and methodological competencies of researchers










Linked profile in other language
Nadzeya Ilyushenka
The Institute of Philosophy offers consumers services for developing the logical and methodological competencies of researchers under an outsourcing agreement or a distribution services agreement and is looking for partners to conclude a research cooperation agreement.
The service for developing the logical and methodological competencies of researchers is addressed to those who want to develop skills in developing the structure and program of individual research, mastering the technique of leading a research team, as well as improving the quality of preparation of scientific publications and qualifying works in accordance with modern domestic and international quality standards, preparing applications for research projects in foreign scientific, grant funds.

Leaflet "Formation and development of logical and methodological competencies of researchers" Download (in Russian).
Advantages and Innovations
The group or student has the opportunity to choose course components, agree on a lesson schedule (with/without
separation from main work). Listeners are provided with multimedia (presentations) and printed teaching materials, get acquainted with current publications and developments of the institute and partner scientific
centers on the formation of logical and methodological culture.

It is possible to conclude agreements on continued consulting support (tutoring)
individual researchers or small teams.

Researchers and teachers in the field of philosophy and related disciplines are accepted for internships.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Sector group
Creative Industries
Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
J.63.99 - Other information service activities n.e.c.
M.72.20 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
P.85.60 - Educational support activities
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Philosophy is the only specialized research institution in the field of philosophical knowledge in the Republic of Belarus. It organizes and coordinates research conducted in the country in the field of philosophy and related scientific disciplines, carries out examination of scientific projects and public initiatives, performs works and services of a methodological, expert, information and educational nature under contracts with enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries.
In the first decades of the 21st century, the Institute of Philosophy acquired the status of an authoritative scientific center in the Eastern European region for the development of methodology for innovative activities, scientific and humanitarian support for various spheres of public life. His successes were noted by a number of honorary national and international awards and prizes.
The Institute of Philosophy trains highly qualified scientific and teaching personnel for philosophical departments throughout the republic in postgraduate and doctoral studies. The Institute accepts undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students from higher educational institutions for internships. Both citizens of Belarus and foreign specialists undergo postgraduate studies and internships at the institute: citizens of Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran, Libya and other countries.
The structure of the institute includes five divisions. Four of them are of a fundamental nature: the Center for Philosophical, Methodological and Interdisciplinary Research, the Center for Social, Philosophical and Anthropological Research, the Center for Historical, Philosophical and Comparative Research, the Center for Research on Globalization, Integration and Sociocultural Cooperation). Another division is of a scientific and practical nature, focused on innovative projects - the Center for Knowledge and Competence Management.
The Institute of Philosophy takes part in the implementation of state scientific programs (supervises a block of tasks on philosophical topics), republican and international research of a fundamental nature, and innovative projects. On average, 20–30 research topics are completed per calendar year on a two- to five-year cycle. Their issues cover:
- current issues of modern theory of knowledge, logic, methodology of science and interdisciplinary research;
- social and philosophical research, including current problems of human philosophy, social ecology, ethics and spirituality of modern society;
- philosophical and methodological problems of information and knowledge management, equipment and technology in a post-industrial, information society;
- philosophical problems of religious consciousness and interfaith relations;
- history of philosophy and spiritual culture of Belarus; comparative studies in the field of history of Belarusian philosophy and intellectual culture of European and Asian states;
- study of strategic directions of interstate and intercultural cooperation;
- expert and analytical support for integration projects in the Eurasian space (Union State of Belarus - Russia, EAEU, Silk Road Economic Belt).
The Institute of Philosophy actively participates in international scientific cooperation, primarily in the post-Soviet space. In recent years, joint research projects have been carried out with scientific and educational institutions in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, and Slovakia. The activities of the national contact point of the European Union Framework Program "Horizon 2020" in the direction of "Science with society and for society" have been organized.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing services to develop the logical and methodological competencies of researchers under an outsourcing agreement or a distribution services agreement.

Partners interested in developing services for the development of logical and methodological competencies of researchers under a research cooperation agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


Просмотров: 706
Статистика ведется с 14.09.2023 18:01:02