Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry  
220072 Minsk, Surganov Str. 13

Technology for the production of pH-sensitive membranes for the purification of aqueous and technological media










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Kristina Kosikova
+375 17 379 1632
The Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry offers consumers a technology for the production of pollution-resistant, high-performance, pH-sensitive membranes under a commercial agreement with technical assistance, membranes for the purification of aqueous and technological media under a manufacturing agreement and is looking for partners to conclude a research cooperation agreement.
The main problem of using membrane technologies is related to the contamination of membranes during operation. Numerous attempts to combat pollution are characterized by a number of disadvantages: a decrease in the productivity of membranes, destruction of membranes in the process of modification, and washing out of the modifying agent. The new technology for obtaining pH-sensitive membranes eliminates all of the above disadvantages.

A new approach to the technology of obtaining Smart-membranes is proposed, which consists in the modification of polyethersulfone (PES) membranes with aqueous solutions of polymers in the process of phase inversion.
It has been shown that this method of membrane modification can be easily applied to industrially produced membranes, since it does not require changes in the technological process of obtaining membranes. The patterns identified in this work made it possible to develop the optimal compositions of molding compositions, as well as precipitation baths suitable for obtaining high-performance pH-sensitive membranes.

The scientific basis for the surface modification of ultrafiltration membranes with nonionic polymers and polyelectrolytes will make it possible to create technologies for obtaining pollution-resistant, high-performance, pH-sensitive membranes.
Advantages and Innovations
The introduction of pH-sensitive membranes into operation allows to reduce the annual costs of cleaning the membranes, increases the service life of the membranes, and also ensures the stability of the membranes after regeneration.
Stage of development
Field tested/evaluated (TRL8)
Comments regarding stage of development
1. Глевицкая, Т. А. Влияние «жесткости» осадителя в формовочном растворе на структуру и свойства полиэфирсульфоновых мембран / Т. А. Глевицкая, А. В. Бильдюкевич, А. А. Шустиков // Докл. Нац. акад. наук Беларуси. – 2018. – № 6. – С. 694–702.
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
C.20.59 - Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
C.21.10 - Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products
E.36.00 - Water collection, treatment and supply
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute occupies a leading position in the world in the development, manufacture and use of ion-exchange fibrous materials and artificial substrates for growing plants. The works of the Institute in the field of membranes and membrane technologies are widely known. Membrane materials for ultra- and microfiltration have been developed and produced in the form of continuous sheets and capillaries, cassette, roll and hollow fiber elements for use in energy, food, pharmaceutical, electronic and other industries.

Catalysts developed at the Institute have been introduced at the largest chemical enterprises An anti-block composition has been introduced on an industry scale to prevent sticking of the cellophane film during its production. An industrial radiation-chemical technology has been developed for obtaining blood plasma substitutes Rondex and Neorondex.

The scientists of the Institute discovered and studied the reactions: heterocyclization of azomethines with carbonyl compounds, hydroamination of oxygen-containing compounds, initiated decarboxylation of mercury acylates, construction of an isothiazole cycle from 2-nitropentachlorobutadiene and sulfur. Convenient methods have been developed for the synthesis of benzoquinolines, amines, pyridines, organomercury compounds, electrochemical methods for the preparation of p-complexes of transition metals, and methods for the synthesis of various functionally substituted organohalogen compounds, carboranes, and peroxides.

The activities of the Institute are aimed at developing scientific principles and technologies for creating new polymeric materials with special properties (selectively permeable, sorption, ion-exchange, catalytically active) for use in industry, ecology, agriculture, water treatment; development of synthesis methods and technologies for obtaining medicinal substances based on amino acids and their derivatives, biologically active substances and compositions for medicine and agriculture, functionally substituted organic and organoelement compounds.

The Institute carries out international scientific and technical cooperation within the framework of direct agreements with scientific institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Sweden, China and others. firms of Saudi Arabia, Germany, Korea, Russia, USA.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Manufacturing agreement
Research cooperation agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purshasing contamination-resistant, high-performance, pH-sensitive technology under a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Consumers interested in purshasing pH-sensitive membrane for the purification of aqueous and process media under a manufacturing agreement.

Partners interested in the development of technology for the production of pollution-resistant, high-performance, pH-sensitive membranes for the purification of aqueous and process media under a research cooperation agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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