Institute of Microbiology  
220141, Minsk, Academician V.F. Kuprevicha St., 2

Biopreparation ANTOIL®+










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Tatiana Petkevich
Institute of Microbiology has developed and manufactures the ANTOIL®+ bioactivator for biological wastewater treatment plants of any type. The institute is looking for consumers interested in purchasing a supplement under a manufacturing agreement and industrial partners interested in acquiring the technology production of ANTOIL® under a licensing agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Bioactivator ANTOIL® + is intended for:
- to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in autonomous sewage systems and biological treatment facilities of housing and communal services, septic tanks, dry closets, as well as liquefaction of bottom sediments;
- to launch and form a biocenosis of autonomous sewage systems (septic tanks, deep biological treatment plants) in order to achieve maximum effluent treatment efficiency;
- to speed up the restarting processes after the conservation of treatment facilities;
- for the rapid recovery of the activated sludge biocenosis after the receipt of highly toxic effluents containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, fats, and synthetic surfactants;
- to eliminate and neutralize unpleasant odors at treatment facilities.

Principle of action: The action of the biopreparation is based on the ability of microorganisms to use organic compounds inherent in domestic wastewater as a source of nutrition.

Characteristics of the biopreparation: The biopreparation is an opaque cloudy liquid of orange-brown color with a characteristic bacterial odor. Formation of a turbid precipitate is allowed.

The biopreparation is non-toxic, non-pathogenic, non-flammable, non-explosive, non-caustic, non-corrosive, resistant to household chemicals, has its own pH - 6.5-7.8; harmless to the environment, humans, plants.

Toxicity: 4 hazard class (low-hazard compounds), 0 class of substances according to the severity of skin irritant action.

Conditions for using the biopreparation: Absence of strong acids and alkalis, high concentrations of bactericides, antiseptics; pH 5-9; temperature - 10-400C; chlorine not more than 35 mg / l.

Application rate:
As biomass to septic tanks and local treatment facilities, primary rate introduction - 0.5 l of 1 m3 of the working volume of the treatment plant; dose for repeated application - 0.3 l of 1 m3 of the working volume of the treatment plant.

As an activator of the sludge mixture at the existing treatment facilities - 0.3 liters per 10 m3 of the working volume of the aeration tank.

The Institute offers:
- Biopreparation ANTOIL®+ to consumers within the framework of the manufacturing agreement;
- the technology of production of the Biopreparation Antoil®+ to industrial partners under a license agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Advantages and Innovations
Biopreparation ANTOIL® +:
- effective for the launch and formation of biocenosis-autonomous sewage systems;
- accelerates the restarting processes after the conservation of treatment facilities;
- quickly restores the biocenosis of activated sludge after receiving highly toxic effluents containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, fats, and synthetic surfactants;
- eliminates and neutralizes unpleasant odors at treatment facilities.

The effluent treatment efficiency is 75-98%.

In terms of efficiency, it is not inferior to foreign analogues of Microzyme ™ Septi Treat and Unibacuniversal (Russia), in terms of cost - 5 times cheaper.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Comments regarding stage of development
Specifications BY 100289966.145-2018
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Secret know-how
Trade marks
Sector group

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
E.37.0 - Sewerage
E.39.0 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
M.72.11 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Institute of Microbiology is a leading national research center in the area of microbiology and biotechnology. Its innovation stock list comprises a broad spectrum of items – substances for medicines and diagnostic kits, bioconservating agents, food and feed additives, biodisinfectants, probiotics, plant biological control agents, microbial fertilizers, technologies for decontamination of wastewaters and environmental objects, specific anti-biodeterioration recommendations. Steady efforts focused on mastering novel methods, upgrading quality of the products, shaping market of biocommodities boosted national biotechnological sector.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
License agreement
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing Biopreparation ANTOIL®+ under a manufacturing agreement.

Industrial partners interested in acquiring technology for the production of Biopreparation ANTOIL®+ under a license agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10


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Statistics since 15.03.2021 00:14:53