Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny  
Postal address: 220109 Minsk, PO Box 119.

Services for conducting experimental and industrial work using a powerful isotope industrial gamma installation UGU-420










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Alexander Trifonov
Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny offers customers services for conducting experimental and industrial work using a powerful isotope industrial gamma installation UGU-420 with an activity of 420 kCi, associated with the use of powerful radiation sources 60Co under an outsourcing agreement and/or subcontracting and is looking for partners interested in a distribution services agreement.
Powerful isotope industrial gamma installation UGU-420 with an activity of 420 kCi for experimental and industrial work related to the use of powerful radiation sources 60Co.

On its basis in recent years, the Institute has been actively developing work in the field of radiation technologies:
- sterilization of medical equipment and drugs with electron and gamma beams;
- modification of polymeric materials for various purposes in order to impart new properties and physicochemical characteristics to them;
- processing of food products to reduce their microbial contamination.

Together with Belmedpreparaty OJSC, a technology has been developed for medical products - hydrogel materials as a new dressing for the treatment of burns, wounds and transplanted skin tissue, ulcers and treatment of bedsores.

More information is posted on the Institute's website here.
Advantages and Innovations
Unique methods. Highly qualified personnel.
Stage of development
Field tested/evaluated (TRL8)
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Secret know-how
Sector group
Aeronautics, Space and Dual-Use Technologies

Organization information

R&D institution
Year established
NACE keywords
Q.86.90 - Other human health activities
M.72.19 - Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
M.74.90 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny (Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR) was one of the largest scientific centers of the USSR on nuclear power. The Institute is defined as an organization performing scientific support for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants.

From the first days of the Chernobyl accident, the Institute was involved in solving such important problems as determining the levels of radioactive contamination of the territory of the Republic with radioactive isotopes and the levels of irradiation of the population of the affected regions, monitoring the radioactive contamination of food products produced in the Republic, which became an important factor in choosing the strategy and tactics of measures to protect the population from radiation hazard.

The main areas of activity of the Institute:
- nuclear energy, scientific support for the development of nuclear energy in the Republic of Belarus;
- nuclear and radiation technologies in the interests of various sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus;
- handling radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel;
- fundamental and applied research in the field of nuclear physics, particle physics, high energy physics.

Promising areas of the Institute's activities:
- development of methods for modeling neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic processes and their application in substantiating the safety of the Belarusian NPP;
- computational, theoretical and experimental substantiation of thermal-hydraulic and neutron-physical characteristics of power and research nuclear reactors;
- development of methods for probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear facilities;
- fundamental and applied research in the physics and kinetics of subcritical systems based on the synthesis of fission and fission reactions (Accelerator Driven Systems) and long-lived waste incineration technologies (Accelerator Driven Transmution Technologies);
- development of technologies based on particle and radiation sources for the production of micro-, nano- and optoelectronics, precision surface treatment of materials, radiation testing and modification of polymer products, production of medicines and drugs, sterilization of medical products, etc. (NG-12-1, UELV-10-10, UGU-420, "Giatsint" stand), development of high technologies using ionizing radiation;
- development of supercomputer and Grid technologies and their application in nuclear physics and power engineering;
- development of precision non-destructive testing methods and expert testing of radioactive materials;
- development of a methodology for monitoring energy security and measures to reduce the likelihood of threats to energy security and ensure the operation of the republic's fuel and energy complex in emergency situations;
- research and optimization of the efficient use of renewable energy sources (biomass, solar and wind energy);
- development of methods for assessing environmental and economic consequences and decision-making in emergency situations during radiation and nuclear accidents;
- development of a technology for the production of a new generation of radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of oncological diseases;
- development of technologies and measures to eliminate temporary burial sites for radioactive waste in places of former deployment of USSR troops and to prevent negative consequences of the impact of radioactive waste storage facilities outside Belarus.

The Institute carries out a great deal of work on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and the IAEA Safeguards Agreement on the Non-Diversion of Nuclear Materials from Peaceful to Military Activities.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Distribution services agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing services for experimental and industrial work using the powerful isotope industrial gamma installation UGU-420 with an activity of 420 kCi, associated with the use of powerful radiation sources 60Co under an outsourcing agreement and/or subcontracting.

Partners interested in purchasing services for experimental and industrial work using the powerful isotope industrial gamma installation UGU-420 with an activity of 420 kCi, associated with the use of powerful radiation sources 60Co under a distribution services agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500 MNE
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution
Sole proprietor


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Statistics since 10.10.2024 17:52:54