Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering  
220072 Minsk, Akademicheskaya str. 12

Vibration monitoring system for gearboxes of motor-wheels of BELAZ quarry dump truck with wireless data transmission









Linked profile in other language
Yuri Vrazhkin
+375 17 337 7626
The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering offers consumers a technology for vibration monitoring of gearboxes of motor-wheels of the BELAZ quarry dump truck with wireless data transmission, including adaptation of the system for a specific production facility under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or manufacture and delivery of the system to the buyer under a manufacturing agreement.
The main objective of the system is to prevent emergency failure of heavy-duty dump trucks and to obtain an economic effect from replacing the planned preventive maintenance system with condition-based maintenance.

The system provides periodic receipt of information on current vibration parameters, their processing, analysis and output of diagnostic results to the dashboard of the mobile vehicle for timely informing the driver about the current technical condition of the transmission gears.

The system is designed for on-board non-disassemblable technical diagnostics of heavily loaded gear drive mechanisms of a quarry dump truck and eliminating cases of its emergency failure. It is offered to consumers as an additional option on BELAZ quarry dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 130 tons, and can be easily adapted for other BELAZ dump trucks with an electromechanical transmission.

The vibration monitoring system of the technical condition of planetary gearboxes of motor-wheels integrated into the on-board control and diagnostic system of BELAZ dump trucks during their quarry operation in real time monitors the vibration parameters of transmission gears, records and stores diagnostic information throughout the entire life cycle. The function of automated wireless data transmission via GSM communication helps to remotely collect data on the vibration condition of dump truck gearboxes in various quarries on a single service terminal.

Information on vibration monitoring of motor-wheel gearboxes of BELAZ quarry dump trucks with wireless data transmission is contained in "Catalog of Products and Services of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering" 2018, p.56.

Information also is posted in the  Album of promising developments of the NAS of Belarus organizations for the real sector of the economy (2023), p. 97-98. (in Russian)
Advantages and Innovations
The most well-known proposals for remote monitoring and diagnostics systems for quarry equipment are CATERPILLAR (USA) and KOMATSU (Japan), however, CatET and VHMS are closed, without the right of access for third parties and organizations, so their use for the equipment of OJSC BELAZ is not possible.

A significant difference between the proposed system and the well-known developments of Russian manufacturers specializing in equipment for vibroacoustic monitoring and diagnostics (OOO DIAMEH 2000, OOO VAST Association, OOO INKOTES, etc.) is the ability to assess the technical condition of complex mobile mechanical systems under their operating conditions under variable loads and speeds.

The use of the system reduces the time for machine maintenance by 15-17% and troubleshooting by 1.5-2 times, and also increases the average time between failures by at least 10-15%, is environmentally friendly, has no waste and does not require consumables. The use of a CAN bus makes it easy to integrate the vibration monitoring system into the on-board control and diagnostic system of BELAZ dump trucks, and data transmission via GSM communication allows the use of serial mobile communication devices.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Funding source
State budged
IPR status
Exclusive rights
Patents granted
Secret know-how
Comments regarding IPS status
The holders of the design documentation for the system are the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and OJSC BELAZ.
1. Method of vibroacoustic diagnostics of a gear transmission: patent. 7238 C1 Rep. of Belarus / Ya. V. Basinyuk, V. L. Basinyuk, E. I. Mardosevich, N. N. Ishin; date of publication: 30.09.2005.
2. Device for diagnostics of gear transmissions: utility model U 5721 Rep. of Belarus / N. N. Ishin, V. I. Adashkevich, A. S. Skorokhodov, L. I. Trukhnov, P. G. Karpovich; date of publication: 30.12.2009.
Sector group
ICT Industry & Services

Organization information

NACE keywords
C.28.29 - Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.
C.30.99 - Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.
Turnover (in EUR)
Already engaged in transnational cooperation
Additional comments
The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the leading institute of the Republic of Belarus in the fields of:
fundamental and applied scientific research:
- mechanical engineering, mechanics, reliability and safety of machines and technical systems;
- design theory, mechatronic systems of machines and mechanisms;
- new composite, polymer, metallic materials; nano- and microstructured materials;
- friction and wear in machines, control of surface structure and properties, including at the nanostructural level.
scientific and technical activities:
- scientific support, organization and coordination of work on the creation of export-oriented automotive, tractor and combine equipment equipped with multi-level integrated electronic systems for adaptive control and diagnostics of units and assemblies, including mechatronic components and intelligent devices of high-energy tractors and combines, trucks and road trains, including multi-link modular type super low-floor articulated buses 2-, 3-section, with hybrid power plants, quarry dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 95-500 tons, multi-axle wheeled tractors, logging equipment, road construction, municipal equipment, urban electric transport.

Other areas of activity:
- certification of mobile machines, items of their equipment and parts, approval of vehicle types;
- bench, road tests, diagnostics of the technical condition of mobile machines;
- certification of quality management systems for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001–2009;
- training of highly qualified scientific personnel;
- conducting patent research;
- publishing scientific, industrial-practical, normative industrial-practical, reference publications;
- publishing the international scientific and technical journal “Mechanics of Machines, Mechanisms and Materials”;
- publishing a collection of scientific papers “Topical Issues in Mechanical Engineering”.

The Institute develops scientific and scientific-technical cooperation, business relations with foreign partners and represents Belarus in the International Federation for the Theory of Mechanisms and Machines (IFToMM).

A number of contracts, agreements and protocols on cooperation with foreign and international scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, and governing bodies in the field of scientific and technical activities have been signed.

Currently, agreements reached with a number of foreign partners are being implemented in the following countries: Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Republic of China, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Austria, Georgia, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Poland, Republic of Korea, Ukraine, etc.
Languages spoken

Information about partnership

Type of partnership considered
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Manufacturing agreement
Type and role of partner sought
Consumers interested in purchasing vibration monitoring technology for BELAZ dump truck motor-wheel gearboxes with wireless data transmission, including adaptation of the system to a specific production facility under a commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or manufacturing and delivery of the system to the buyer under a manufacturing agreement.
Type and size of partner sought
> 500
SME 51-250
SME 11-50
SME <= 10
R&D Institution


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