Glossary on technology transfer
Found: 80
59 decree
Presidential Decree No.59
Active Intellectual Property Management
A way of managing intangible assets which consists in the full integration of the company in a culture of innovation, which is implemented within the whole management process.
Arbitration is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to one or more arbitrators who make a binding decision on the dispute. In choosing arbitration, the parties opt for a private dispute resolution procedure instead of going to court. It is consensual, neutral and confidential. Parties choose the arbitrator and its decision is final and easy to enforce.
the quality or state of being a creator (natural person) of a work. In order to be considered as an author, it is generally acknowledged that a certain level of creative contribution to a work must be met. Authorship entails certain moral rights, such as the right to attribution (i.e., to be named as the author), that cannot be transferred or licensed, and therefore will stay with the author even in a situation where he/she does not own the copyright.
is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value. It may be used to mark digital copyrights in a way that is both immutable and timestamped.
Blocking patents
patent applications which are strategically used as a barrier to pre-empt rivals from getting their patents granted and entering into markets and technologies.
identifies a specific product or name of a company as a sign of quality recognised by customers. A brand can be a trade mark if registered, but can also exist without being a trade mark.
Commercialization is the process of bringing new products or services to market. The broader act of commercialization entails production, distribution, marketing, sales, customer support, and other key functions critical to achieving the commercial success of the new product or service.
Computer-implemented invention (CII)
is an invention which involves the use of a computer, computer network or other programmable apparatus, where one or more features are realised wholly or partly by means of a computer program.
Confidential information
is information of a confidential nature that may include information of a personal, scientific, industrial, business, or commercial nature, that is not available to the public.
Confidentiality agreement
also known as non-disclosure agreement (NDA), refers to the written agreement that parties use when they wish to disclose information and ideas in confidence. This agreement therefore establishes the obligation of the recipient (i.e. the legal person to whom the information is disclosed) to not disclose the information and ideas to third parties. A confidentiality agreement is crucial for an inventor or any other party that needs to protect confidential information.
constitutes the outward appearance of a product or part thereof resulting, in particular, from the characteristics of its lines, contours, colours, shape, surface, structure and/or materials and/or its ornamentation.
The first public disclosure of details of an invention. If the disclosure is made before the patent application has been filed (in a deliberate form or otherwise), the invention will in most cases be unpatentable. In return for a patent granted (exclusive rights for a limited time period), the applicant must make a full disclosure of the invention for which protection has been solicited.
The first public disclosure of details of an invention. If the disclosure is made before the patent application has been filed (in a deliberate form or otherwise), the invention will in most cases be unpatentable. In return for a patent granted (exclusive rights for a limited time period), the applicant must make a full disclosure of the invention for which protection has been solicited.
Domain Names
A combination of typographical characters corresponding to one or several numeric IP addresses which is registered with an accredited Registrar, and used to identify a particular website on the internet. Each domain name consists of two parts: a top-level domain (TLD – .com, .net, .org, .eu) and a second level domain, which represents the entity that owns the domain name. Although a domain name is unique and may be a valuable commercial asset, a domain name registration is not an intellectual property right.
Economic Rights
are a set of exclusive rights granted to a copyright owner (to authorize the reproduction, distribution and communication of a work to the public), which allow the owner of these rights to derive financial reward(s) from the use of his works by others. These rights may be transferred or licensed, usually for a sum of money or royalties depending on the proposed usage of the work.
Enforcement (IP Enforcement)
legal actions, remedies, measures and procedures taken against IPR infringement. This includes, among others, stopping unauthorized use, deterring future infringements, and obtaining recovery for damages resulting from the infringing act.
Enforcement (IP Enforcement)
legal actions, remedies, measures and procedures taken against IPR infringement. This includes, among others, stopping unauthorized use, deterring future infringements, and obtaining recovery for damages resulting from the infringing act.
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
the European largest information and consultancy network which is funded under the Programme for the competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME) and is aimed at providing innovation and business support to small businesses across the European Union. It consists of close to 600 business support organizations, such as chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, research institutes and development agencies from more than 60 countries worldwide. The European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is responsible for managing the Network on a daily basis.
European Patent
is obtained by presenting a single application and following a European centralized procedure in the EPO, where a patent granted turns into a bundle of as many national patents as countries chosen in the application. The holder of this patent is conferred the same rights as would be conferred to a patent granted in the respective countries designated in the application.